Rabu, 10 April 2013

Simple Bot Room [S.B.R]

2 komentar

Spy room
Cek user
Who user
Pv semua user di room
Copas text di room
Komen tulisan
Mode user
UnMode user
Banned room user
UnBanned room user
Banned group user
UnBanned group user
Auto ads di semua room
Auto Welcome kusus ids female
Auto Welcome kusus ids male
Fitur selanjutnya masih akan di update

Command untuk control [S.B.R]

Type ".join namaroom" To join to room
Type ".leave namaroom" To leave out of room
Type ".who username" To whois username
Type ".cek username" to check users
Type ".Spy username" To spy users in the room
Type ".love username1 username2" To check what percentage of your soul mate
Type ".bang username" to banned group
Type ".unbang username" to unban group
Type ".ban username" for banned room
Type ".unban username" to unban room
Type ".mode username" to add moderator
Type. unmode username "to remove moderator
Type ".copas room" to copy and paste the text in the room
Type. "stop" to stop copy and paste text
Type ".status" to check the status of bot
Type ".pc on" to enable public command
Type ".pc off" to disable command public
Type ".emo on" to enable emot koman
Type ".emo off" to disable emot koman
Type ".awcf on" to enable awc female koman
Type ".awcf off" to disable female koman
Type ".awcm on" to enable awc male koman
Type ".awcm off" to disable male koman
Type ".ads on" to enable auto send text ads
Type ".ads off" to disable auto send text ads
Type ".relog" to relogin bot
Type ".t text" send text to the bot
Type ".delay second" to set delay send ads
Type "+ads text" to add ads
Type "-ads text" to remove ads
Type "+emo emot;komen" to add emot and komen
Type "-emo emo" to remove emot and komen
Type "+awcf text" to add awc female
Type "-awcf text" to remove awc female
Type "+awcm text" to add awc male
Type "-awcm text" to remove awc male
Type "+con username" to add a controler ids
Type "-con username" to remove ids controler
Type ".pvr room;text" to pv all users
Type ".help" command for help bot

Harga 25 rb idr / bulan
 join room "moderator jail " / "x-ray-team" for registrasi

2 komentar:

Jika sobat-sobat ingin berkomentar tapi tidak punya akun blogger
Bisa menggunakan pilihan "Name/Url"
Urlnya bisa sobat masukan Url profile facebook
Example :