"We had some major server issues today which caused lot of files to be deleted and we are truly sorry for that if your files were among them.
We have insured our servers with better protection for file loss and faster download speeds. You can re-upload the files as you wish.
The backup server crashed with this techincal issue which we were unable to save any of the files that you lost.
The new system is in cluster form so its stored in few servers then one so we wont have this issue.
Again, we are truely sorry and hope you can still upload those files. " (buat yang bisa bahasa inggris tolong dterjemahkan yah...hehehehehhehehe)
Blog lagi kena musibah ni file-file yang ada di sharebeast hilang semua.....katanya karena servernya error makanya filenya terhapus parahnya lagi server backupnya jg sama.....
Mau marah ngak bisa apalagi mau ngelapor ke Polsek setempat nasib ngk punya file hostiing sendiri apalagi cuman pake akun gratis yah kyk gini.
Buat sobat2 x-ray yang ingin download di blog ini dan linknya dah mati jangan lupa laporannya bro biar bisa secepatnya di perbaiki masalahnya ngk ada waktu buat ngecek semua postingan ... Mohon bantuannya yah sob
menyedihkan jenral.. :D guakguakguak :D sama brow gw mw uplod, pas di cek file gw ilang smw,, jadi kaga jadi,, hadow, cek dan ricek, ternyata smw nyah,,, mana baru bisa lagi browsingan,,,
BalasHapusckckckckck....nasib men :D ...server sharebeast kykx habis kena "silet"....mau "cek dan ricek" semua posting ngk ada waktu:D ... tapi aq mah tetap setia kykx ST12 ma sharebeast.. btw welkombek master:-* ... hancurkan semua penindasan bentangkan sayap dan terbang setinggi2x ..
BalasHapusWe are x-ray-team . We stick together